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Available Percent Auctions - Week of 3/7/22

We are excited about this week’s offerings from The Smarter Merchant and SALT Lending. Check out our Dutch Auction page for a more thorough overview of the program and the process behind it.


Available Auctions:


Please note: The last day we will accept indications is Monday, March 14th, at 9:00AM ET.

Auction: How it Works
Please indicate your interest below for:

TSM SMB Financing Sr. 2022-2

TSM1 2022-2 is intended to roll from TSM1 2022-1, and because this is a rollover offering, investors in the current note will get first priority at the market-clearing APY determined by this auction.

TSM SMB Financing Sr. 2022-2

Offering Size: $10.80M | Duration: 9 months

Rank: Senior | Minimum Investment: $500

Please indicate your interest below for:

SLT Crypto-Backed Loans Sr. 2022-3

SLT1 2022-3 is intended to roll from SLT1 2022-2, and because this is a rollover offering, investors in the current note will get first priority at the market-clearing APY determined by this auction.

SLT Crypto-Backed Loans Sr. 2022-3

Offering Size: $7.00M | Duration: 9 months

Rank: Senior | Minimum Investment: $500